Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Please Read!

This might be one of my most important posts to date.

In one month, a member of our family will embark in a fundraising effort to help his own kind as only he can...


....... Peanut will participate in the 11th Annual Basset Waddle in Dwight Illinois on September 21st. The event is a 10 block fundraiser walk where you may sponsor Mr. Nuts for the walk as a whole or per block completed.

He's been training with Jillian all summer, so I'm sure he's ready.

Click here to sponsor Peanut or to view his fundraising page.

Click here for the Gardian Angel Basset Rescue Site.

And click here for the waddle info page.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Alright, after having some fun with our spring birthdays, I have to acknowledge my own.

The Wii has been up and running for a month, so no huge surprise there. I did get wonderful cards from the kids, and Robin's mom spent most of the week with us, so the adults had a great dinner on Wednesday after work.

Birthdays are a great time to think back over time, and the last year is definitely been one of memories! Better memories are ahead as we move forward from the turbulence of the last year.

Enough of all that, time to start on those new memories!

Shout Out to Friends

It really goes without saying, but just because I haven't for a while, I want to call come attention to the Saucier family's blog. Their addition of Taylor has only given Liz more reason to take AMAZING pictures. Check it out to see pictures of the kiddos, their activities, and Chris' 30th (man, he got old! :o) )

Secondly, Our very own Maria is now a famous local entrepreneur. Robin & I were at her mom's on Saturday, but to talk to Maria on Saturday afternoon and hear the excitment streaming out of her as she talked about her grand opening that day energized me 150 miles away! We couldn't be happier for her.

This picture was in our local paper on Saturday to announce the grand opening:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer winds down...

More to come in another blog soon, but it's been a wild and crazy summer, and I know what it means to look forward to the routine of the school year!

I wanted to take one quick post to use the words of the famed Daryl Reaugh to promise that use of the blog will pick up once again real soon.

It's now August, and like a guy who has bunged himself up by eating too much cheese, it is time to "get more regular" with the blog. So I promise to take a mental laxative and get back to filling the bowl with steaming coils of observations, questions and thoughts. (In the interest of good health and air quality I'll light a match after posting)

See you soon!