Sunday, December 27, 2009

Time with Family and Friends

Yesterday we had a wonderful visit by Grammy, Kurt, Cherie, Harper, and lil' Vaughn. It was a little after Christmas, Christmas and a great meal. It's always fun to see the kids getting together and playing. They're a great group of cousins.
Pictures of the kids from the day.

Then the kids took off for Christmas with their father, and Robin and I went out to meet her friends Skye & James. I've seen James play one other time, but hadn't met Skye. They live in Australia and he gets the band back together when ever he's home. It was a great night with great friends.

Now, the 26th will also be known as the three shovel day, and I thought it was over when we went out for the night, but we woke up to a couple new inches of snow and it was coming down again. The best part.... we're going no where all day long! Might be hard to go back to work tomorrow though. Here are a couple pictures from this morning and keep in mind at midnight last night the drive way was clear.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Pictures

Last post of the Christmas day frenzy of catching up on things.

This was the scene this morning in the living room. As you can tell, Santa was good to everyone involved. Even Nuts dove into the pile with his christmas treat in his mouth that made it look like he had a smile on his face.

Here are the pictures.

Also, a link to the our formal pictures shown down below. This will jump you down to that post.

Thanksgiving Cruise

This one deserved a post of it's own.

Dar, Mom, Robin & I took a little four day get-away for Thanksgiving weekend. It was a great to spend some time away and to just be away for a minute. Trip seemed quick, but was still good. We did make some new friends with our table mates for dinner and another couple we met out on the sun deck each day.

Here are some pictures from our camera.

Also, a first for all four of us, we swam with dolphins. The unanimous highlight of trip for all involved. Here are the pictures from that.

Fall Activities

Just catching up and sharing some pictures of the munchkins and all they've been doing the last two or three months.

In November, Jillian had another gymnastics show and tell event, the parents even got to go out and stretch and do yoga!

We also went to Tanners - it was too late for the maze, but we had a ton of fun on the mini-maze and of course we got a car full of goodies. Tanners is a must for every fall!!

Jackson had a great flag football season. These pictures are from the final weekend's double header and end of season party at Culver's. Game 2 was full of sugared up kids!

Jordan's reached the age of having full blown concerts for band and choir. This year, she made the audition style extra-curricular choir and sang with her class as well. We didn't take pictures at choir, they were on back to back nights, and the band shots were good.

Robin and I saw a few great concerts!!

The dogs are still spoiled, and have given us some health scares but continue to live the life of luxury. These are just some miscellaneous shots from around the house the last couple months.

Happy (early) New Year all!

Christmas Traditions

Just wanted to share one touching moment. Between this year and last, Jillian and I have formed a new tradition where she helps me create the gift bags for my team at work, including a personalized Merry Christmas from her to each person. She also helps me do the final assembly. It's been quite nice, and this year I snapped this shot.

Adult fun with Kids Toys

Jillian wanted Aqua Sand... little did I know there were toys for Robin in the box too!!

Somewhere, out there, there is a toy developer laughing at all the inside jokes that they made while they developed this.

Had to share the fun from Christmas morning.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Famous Christmas Songs...

We last saw Jackson with one tooth missing - perfect for Halloween, right. What could be better, than the other one falling out in November, and him, alone by the tree, singing..... "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."

Sorry Jack - I had to! :o)

Merry Christmas!!

It's that magical time of year, where I say, "Shoot (or something like that), we haven't put up any pictures of all the fun school and sport activities that have had us running around crazy the last three months."

Some things might be out of order, but I'm going to start with some shots from the Christmas Card photo shoot. Look close, some of you might recognize the "studio." The picture we used for our card is at the bottom. Also, from that, we've made the first ever update to the blog's banner - about time, right?